CytoSure™ Constitutional NGS
CytoSure™ Constitutional NGS assay is as effective as a microarray in calling CNVs and LOH, with the additional ability to be able to detect SNVs and Indels. This ability to detect CNVs, SNVs, Indels and LOH in a single, robust assay reduces analytical cost and burden as well as cutting the overall time taken to deliver a result. OGT has developed an intuitive and user-friendly analytical software, Interpret, which includes a proprietary CNV calling algorithm. With array users in mind, Interpret offers familiar visualisation and interpretation tools alongside an intuitive web interface. With our class-leading support teams, you can now transition your ID / DD analysis from arrays to NGS with confidence.
Features & Specs
CytoSure Constitutional NGS solution delivers:
- The ability to detect CNV, SNV, indel, LOH, mosaicism – everything you get from arrays and NGS in a single assay
- Advanced panel design and complimentary software – robust single-exon CNV calling unlike other large targeted panels or exomes
- The most up-to-date content for ID and DD – giving you the best chance to identify the aberration of interest
- A targeted >700-gene panel, minimising variants of uncertain significance (VUS) detection – helping you to minimise analysis time
- Cost-effective analysis – don’t spend time and effort sequencing, storing and analysing data that is not relevant